Launch Options

To get into the launch options you:

1. Go to steam libary
2. Rightclick on CS GO
3. Properties
4. Set Launch Options
and write in the following you need from below.


//Makes your console popup when you launch CS GO


//Stops all the videos that will be shown when you launch CS GO

-tickrate 128

//Makes your offline servers go 128tick rate instead of 64tickrate

-threads (number)

//Makes CS GO use all the threads of your CPU. DO NOT put any higher thread number than what your CPU got.


//Sets CS GO.exe to high priorty in the task manager

+exec autoexec

//Launches the autoexec.cfg when the game starts up. (if you have made one)

-refresh (120/144)

//If you got a monitor that can handle more than 60 hertz you can put in the number of HZ your monitor got to use it ingame

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